A wonderful life is a lie

The ghost is where home is

Standing at the door, awaiting entombment

The good people are dead people

Nice wedding band. I hate it 

Two-tone hair, one-dimensional personality

Buy my mixtape. It’s good shit

Cutthroat, they called me. That’s rude

-Carlos Aguilar 

Dark knight appears in the mirror.

Crisp mornings, hot apple fritters baking.

Emotion so strong it could kill.

Fleeting memories brought back by sleep.

Thank you for coming, please stay.

Southtowns’ fluorescents puddles light the way.

-Mariah Gonzalez

She left, he cried, I laughed.

“Pretty little lamb”, said the wolf.

Beware the forgotten. You are next.

-Dimon Barnes

He could’ve been 2 months today.

Lost and still searching for answers.

The music lifted his dying body.

-Evelyn Reyes

Late night. Tears. My Innocence Stolen.

Windows Down. Perfect Playlist. Endless Summer.

Missing Sock. Two Bodies. Scarred Forever. 

I think my homeless guy moved.

- Katelyn Earhart

The cops won’t dig that deep.
